We have a 5-day return policy, meaning you have 5 days after receiving your item to request a return.
To be eligible for a return:
To start a return, contact us at scentsociety16@gmail.com.
We will provide you with a return waybill (download and print) free of charge.
Once we receive your returned item, a refund will be processed within 3 days via the same payment method used at checkout (Payfast or Payflex).
A handling fee of 15% will be deducted from the product price.
For any return-related questions, contact us at scentsociety16@gmail.com.
Our systems are automated, and orders cannot be canceled once placed.
Please inspect your order upon delivery and contact us immediately if:
If merchandise is damaged in transit, please contact the courier company to inspect the goods and file a claim.
📧 Email: scentsociety16@gmail.com